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Reds, Purples

19503 Shell bowl (large)

Hermanova Hut. Pink. 260 l 250 w 78 h...

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13154 Ashtray

Purple 130 ø 48 h 450g

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20036 Vase (small) - greenish blue

Greenish blue 159 h 103 square 500 g.

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19347 Fish bowl

Pink 150 l 140 w 46 h 200g

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13005 vase - purple

Schrötter, Rudolfova Hut. Dull...

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Small bowl #342

Pinkish amber 114 l 80 w 35 h 250g+

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18999 Ashtray

Brownish pink 210ø 46 h 750 g

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Fruit bowl #309

Salmon pink 213 ø 64 h 850 g Possibly...

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